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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Quantum theory.cmap, QUANTUM THEORY AS SQUARE ROOT OF THERMODYNAMICS 2. Quantum theory as a square root of thermo- dynamics: Motivations. a) Zero Energy Ontology. Time-like entanglement coefficients between po- sitive and negative energy parts of zero energy state define M-matrix as a her- mitian square root of den- sity matrix multiplied by a unitary S-matrix commuting with it. S-matrix universal and corresponds to the standard S-matrix. b) Vacuum functional can be interpreted as square root of product of two exponents. Exponent of Kähler function corresponds to square root of exponent of free energy. The exponent of Morse function correspond quantum mechanical action exponential and defines complex phase. c) Questions: *Do WCW spinor fields defi- ne square roots of genuine thermodynamical distribu- tions? *Do temperature and other thermodynamical parame- ters have direct quantal and space-time correlates?, QUANTUM THEORY AS SQUARE ROOT OF THERMODYNAMICS 3. Various Matrices: a) Unitary U-matrix between zero energy states is the fun- damental one. Its rows corres- spond to M-matrices and are orhotogonal to each other in the inner product defined by the trace of product. S-matrix disappears in the product so that the basis of orthogonal square roots of density matrix is obtained. b) M-matrices are parametrized as rows of U-matrix by zero energy states and can be regarded as matrices between positive and negative energy parts of zero energy states. c) Only the square root of density matrix depends on the parametrizing zero energy state and S-matrix is universal., QUANTUM THEORY AS SQUARE ROOT OF THERMODYNAMICS 1. Vacuum functional: a) Real/imaginary exponent of Kähler function/Morse function identified as Kähler action in Euclidian/Minkows- kian regions. Morse function corresponds to ordinary imaginary action exponent- ial of QFTs. b) Kähler function contains also boundary terms. The terms forcing the eigenvalues of Kähler-Dirac Cartan algebra charges equal to those for Kähler action (Equivalence Principle/Quantum Classical Correspondence). c) The p^kγ_k and Chern- Simons terms at the ends of the space-time sheet give massless propagators at partonic 2-surfaces and Dirac equation containing Chern- Simons term. Interpretation as the analog of Higgs term?